
Causes and Treatment of Epididymitis

Epididymitis is a kind of male reproductive disease. Young and middle-aged men are more likely to suffer from epididymitis. The clinic symptoms of epididymitis include pain in scrotum, red and swelling, obvious tenderness, and hardening of epididymis. And patients with acute epididymitis can have general symptoms of fever, aversion to cold and so on.

Epididymis is responsible for storing and carrying sperm. Thus, the occurrence of epididymitis can block the transportation of sperm and bring bad influence to the storage and development of sperm. So the quality and vitality of sperm will be reduced. If not treated in time with appropriate treatment method, epididymitis can even lead to male infertility.

Here are the major causes of epididymitis:

1. Weakened resistance and immunity
As the pace of life becomes faster and faster, the pressure of men become heavier and heavier. Overwork and high pressure can reduce the resistance and immunity of men, thus giving more chance to the pathogens to invade into the body and cause diseases such as epididymitis.

2. Influence of other kinds of reproductive system and urinary system diseases
Epididymitis often occurs as a kind of complication of other kinds of reproductive system and urinary system diseases such as urinary tract inflammation, prostatitis, spermatocystitis and so on. And the occurrence of epididymitis can lead to these reproductive system and urinary system diseases in return. So the treatment of any kind of reproductive system and urinary system disease should be taken seriously in case other kinds of reproductive system and urinary system diseases may be induced by just a kind of disease.

3. External environment of perineal region
Some men prefer to wear tight underpants. The materials of some kinds of underpants are not ventilated. These factors will make the external environment of perineal region damp and hot, which can promote the growth of bacterium. This will add up to the morbidity of male kinds of reproductive system and urinary system diseases including epididymitis.

4. Bad living habits
Bad living habits such as having sex too frequently, drinking alcohol, smoking, massive intake of spicy food and so on will influence the blood circulation and add up to the chance of male diseases including epididymitis.
These are the major causes of epididymitis. Males need to pay more attention to these factors and stay away from epididymitis. For patients with epididymitis, we recommend Chinese herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammation Pill. As a new Chinese medicine, it has multiple functions, including clearing away heat and toxins, removing inflammation, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, regulating qi-flowing to relieving stagnation, and so on. With the mutual work of herbs in the pill, the root of epididymitis can be removed. And in the same time, the immunity and function of the reproductive system and urinary system can be strengthened. With the help of this herbal medicine, not only the symptoms of epididymitis can be removed, the fundamental causes of epididymitis can be removed as well.