
Chronic Epididymitis Radical Cure With Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill

As a common male disease, chronic epididymitis often occurs and brings male patients unbearable symptoms. Though the medical level has been improved greatly, not all men with chronic epididymitis can get a radical cure. As a long-lasting inflammation, patients usually need to be treated for months or years. The treatments for chronic epididymitis include antibiotics, pain-relievers, anti-inflammatory agents, surgery, supporting scrotum, ice pack, and best rest. Patients need to have good management on this disease so that the pain caused by the infection can be relieved.

Antibiotic therapy is the most common one for the cure of chronic epididymitis caused by a bacterial infection. However, it’s not suitable for a long-term treatment for it will develop drug resistance and cause live and kidney damages. To ensure a safe and continuous treatment, it’s important to take medication without side effects.  

There is a herbal medicine called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has proven to be efficient on curing chronic epididymitis and its complications. It’s invented by herbalist Lee Xiaoping, who is the chief doctor at Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM Clinic. She has more than 30 years of clinical experience on treating male and female urinary and reproductive system diseases. This medicine has helped many patients go back to normal life.

The herbs in this pill can eradicate pathogenic bacteria by clearing away heat and toxins. It can also eliminate the pain and swelling by promoting the circulation of blood and qi. Moreover, it’s made from herbs so it has no side effects. Patients can be at ease during the treatment. With the help of this herbal pill, patients can get a good recovery.

Dietary therapy is also as important as medication. Some food will irritate the prostate and cause a flare up. Therefore, patients should avoid foods that can make the condition worse, such as spicy food, red meat, sweets, coffee, smoking and alcohol. Besides, it’s helpful to take some exercise to enhance the immunity to prevent the invasion of bacteria.