
Herbal Treatment For Epididymitis

Epididymitis is a common disease among young and middle-aged males. The pathogenic bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, escherichia coli invade backwards through seminiferous duct into epididymis and cause bacterial infection, and then lead to epididymitis. Therefore, epididymitis can also be cause by other inflammatory diseases such as urethritis, prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis. Epididymitis can be divided into two large categories--chronic epididymitis and acute epididymitis. To have a herbal treatment for epididymitis, it’s important to know the epididymitis symptoms first.\

The onset of acute epididymitis is rather urgent. The main symptoms of acute epididymitis include discomfort in the affected side of scrotum, strong pain in local region. The pain can be so severe that the normal movement of the patients is affected. And the pain can radiate into the ipsilateral inguinal region and lower abdomen, sometimes along with the symptoms of general discomfort and high fever. The physical symptoms of acute epididymitis include swelling and tenderness in epididymis. If the inflammation is serious, it can spread to testicle, which will cause epididymo-orchitis.

The morbidity of chronic epididymitis is much higher than acute epididymitis. Some of patients get chronic epididymitis after treating acute epididymitis for a long time without complete curing of the disease. The clinic symptoms of chronic epididymitis is various and complicated. Patients with chronic epididymitis may feel swelling and bearing-down pain of scrotum, and the pain can spread to lower abdomen and the medial side of thigh. The physical symptoms of chronic epididymitis include slight swelling of epididymis, hardening of epididymis, slight local pressing pain, enlargement of the ipsilateral ureter.  

The clinic treatment of epididymitis usually focuses on eliminating the  inflammation and killing the pathogenic bacteria. Patients with acute epididymitis are suggested to have bed rest, elevate the scrotum to alleviate the pain. In the early stage of the disease, cold compress can be used to avoid the swelling. And hot compress can be used in the late stage to promoting blood circulation and eliminate the inflammation. Because epididymitis is caused by bacterial infection in most cases, anti-infection treatment should be applied. Diuretic and Anti-inflammation Pill is widely used to achieve this goal. The treatment of chronic epididymitis is a little more complex. The treatment method should be adjusted according to the symptoms of the patient. Diuretic and Anti-inflammation Pill can also be used along with other treatment such as physical treatment to cure chronic epididymitis. The herbal formula has no side effects like drug resistance and kidney damages, thus, it’s a good choice for treating chronic inflammation.